By enabling Facebook integrations, including through this SDK, you can share information with Facebook, including information about people’s use of your app. Facebook will use information received in accordance with our Data Use Policy, including to provide you with insights about the effectiveness of your ads and the use of your app. These. · Reference. For comprehensive detail on the SDK and its supported API, please see the SDK Reference.. Feedback. Report bugs with the Unity SDK tag on our bug post feedback on our Facebook group or on Stack Overflow using the tag appreciate your help. Get Started: Facebook SDK for iOS This guide shows you how to integrate your iOS app with Facebook using the Facebook SDK for iOS. Beginning with SDK v, set to release in early , a Client Token will be required for all calls to the Graph API.
The Facebook SDK for iOS consists of the following component SDKs: The Facebook Core SDK. The Facebook Login SDK. The Facebook Sharing SDK. If you don't need the functionality of the full iOS SDK, you can save space by using only the SDK (s) you need to support the Facebook products you want to use in your app. As a result of these changes, advertisers running campaigns to people using iOS or later devices will be impacted by limitations on data sharing. If you optimize, target or report on web events from Facebook pixel or any of our other business tools, you can take steps to update your event setup and manage these changes. The Facebook SDK for iOS is the easiest way to integrate your iOS app with Facebook's platform. The SDK provides support for Login with Facebook authenticati.
Facebook SDK v Note: There is a known issue with the ShareDialog not presenting when it's created using the convenience initializer init (viewController:content:delegate). This will be fixed in v If you are not using the convenience initializer, the dialog will continue to work as usual. Consult Changelog. Get Started: Facebook SDK for iOS This guide shows you how to integrate your iOS app with Facebook using the Facebook SDK for iOS. Beginning with SDK v, set to release in early , a Client Token will be required for all calls to the Graph API. Reference. For comprehensive detail on the SDK and its supported API, please see the SDK Reference.. Feedback. Report bugs with the Unity SDK tag on our bug post feedback on our Facebook group or on Stack Overflow using the tag facebook-unity-sdk.